Acupuncture Therapy Program

acupuncture therapy programAcupuncture is a type of traditional Chinese medicine. It believes certain points on the body are associated with different organs or systems. When an acupuncturist stimulates various points on the body with small needs, the natural healing mechanisms of the body activate. Acupuncture has been an effective treatment method for numerous ailments for over 3,000 years. Many of today’s doctors and clinicians respect and view acupuncture as a low- or no-risk therapy for both physical and mental concerns. We offer an acupuncture therapy program for those looking to complete their recovery.

How Does Acupuncture Work?

Acupuncture induces a deep state of relaxation, just like that experienced after a massage. Both techniques notably increase blood flow around the body, which may be responsible for releasing endorphins, or the brain’s “feel-good” chemicals. The relaxing, calming, and meditative effects may also be attributed to increased body awareness.

Adding an acupuncture therapy program to your arsenal of management and recovery tools can help you experience improved health. An acupuncturist will discuss your physical, mental, and behavioral concerns with you in order to determine which areas of the body to focus on. For example, certain parts of the ear commonly stimulated for individuals recovering from addiction.

Who Can Benefit From A Acupuncture Therapy Program?

Virtually anyone can benefit from acupuncture as a “tune-up” or management practice for good health. Yet, the most common concerns acupuncturists assist individuals with at Promises Behavioral Health include:

Many people report immediate relief after just one acupuncture session, however, receiving additional acupuncture treatments leads to the best results.

For individuals who are nervous around needles, stimulating areas with pressure produces the same effects. However, needles are more precise, and the consensus is that they do not hurt. If you have questions about acupuncture for addiction and whether it can benefit you, give us a call.

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