two individuals discussing what is rehab like

What Is Rehab Like?

Making the decision to take control of your life back from drugs and/or alcohol is one that takes a great deal of courage. However, no matter how committed you are to turning your life around and recovering from substance use disorder, you’re probably wondering what is rehab like. Understanding what you can expect during your time in addiction treatment can prepare you mentally for the process.

What Is Rehab Like?

Before getting started, it’s important to note that each rehab center is different from the next. While the following points are simply generalizations that you might experience during rehab, they don’t represent the way every substance use disorder treatment center works.

Before rehab really gets underway, there is some groundwork that must be completed. Each person who participates in rehab undergoes the same first step: an initial consultation.

A professional who is experienced with substance abuse will speak with you in an informal type of environment. The point of this consultation is to determine the best treatment plan to help you with recovery.

This is also your chance to ask questions. You might wonder, for example, how long the program is that is being recommended to you. Maybe you are curious about the treatment center’s policy regarding visitors.

The next step is a full psychological assessment. Because so many people who are struggling with substance use disorder also have a co-occurring mental health condition, it’s important that it’s treated while you’re in the addiction treatment center. Knowing about any mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, PTSD, and mood disorders helps the rehab create a treatment plan that’s better for your needs.

You’ll also undergo a physical exam as well. During this time, the physician will determine your addiction level. If you have been taking drugs and/or alcohol for a long period of time, your body could be experiencing the side effects of the toxicity. Knowing about any physical issues now means that you’ll be able to get the necessary treatment to improve your quality of life.

What Is Rehab Like Every Day?

As noted above, there is no typical day that is the same for every rehab. For one thing, the best addiction treatment centers of today tailor the treatment plan to your individual needs. There are a number of different options for treatment, including individual, group, and couples therapy.

That being said, the following provides a guideline that you might expect during your stay at rehab. In general, a residential program is a highly structured environment that provides you with access to numerous resources, groups, and staff members throughout the day.

For example, you might wake up and have breakfast — community-style — before heading to see your individual therapist. A workshop on life skills might follow and then it’s time for lunch. After the meal, there are often more opportunities for group therapy, coping skills training, and free time.

Depending on the environment where your rehab is, you could exercise, go for a swim, or take a hike during your free time. The length of time of your treatment varies depending on the program.

Promises Behavioral Health is a substance use disorder treatment center for adult men and women. Our professional and compassionate staff provides the following services to our clients during their stay at our rehab:

For more information about the services listed above, or to obtain a complete list of treatments and services we offer, call Promises Behavioral Health at 844.875.5609 today.

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