A couple suffering grief and depression

Understanding Grief and Depression

The loss of a child, parent, partner, or dear friend can leave you feeling like your world is upside down. Mental health professionals identify many kinds of grief, but most people experience “uncomplicated” grief, or grief that begins to improve within six months. A grief counseling program can provide support for people who feel stuck in their grief. 

Grief can be one of the most overwhelming conditions any human ever experiences. There is no “right way” to process a loss, but healing from grief is possible. If you need help healing from grief, speak with a compassionate admissions representative from Promises by calling 844.875.5609

Grief and Depression: How They Differ 

Grief and depression share many symptoms. Low mood and feelings of sadness are a natural part of the grieving process. However, depression is a mental illness. It can be triggered by grief, and symptoms may improve as grief eases. 

When people start to recover from grief, they reconnect with the people and activities that bring them joy. These types of behaviors are often recommended to help combat depression. 

In addition to grief, other risk factors that can lead to depression include:

  • Changes in brain chemistry
  • Chronic stress
  • Genetics
  • Trauma and environmental issues, such as exposure to violence
  • Being diagnosed with a chronic or potentially fatal disease

Grief is trauma, and it can cause chronic stress. Combined with the fact that grief is also a major life change, it should not be surprising that it could trigger depression. 

Symptoms of Depression

More than a quarter of people who are grieving the loss of a loved one are diagnosed with depression. Timely diagnosis and treatment can help prevent depression from becoming a debilitating illness. 

If you or someone you know is bereaved, watch for these signs and symptoms of depression:

  • Changes in eating habits (eating more or less)
  • Changes in sleeping habits (insomnia or oversleeping)
  • Preoccupation with their loss
  • Feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or worthlessness
  • Difficulty concentrating or making decisions
  • Low energy or fatigue
  • Isolating

Symptoms such as sadness, social withdrawal, and poor memory are also common symptoms of grief. How can people differentiate between grief and depression when they are similar?

One important indicator is that depression persists. The feelings of depression are constant. In comparison, grieving people can experience moments of great joy even though they are sad. 

Grief symptoms get better with time, while depression may get worse if it remains untreated. Additionally, in most cases, grief does not affect a person’s self-esteem, but depression can.

Suicidal Thoughts, Grief, and Depression

Not everyone who has lost a loved one or has been diagnosed with depression has thoughts of suicide. When present, there are typically different motivations for suicidal thoughts among people who are grieving vs. those who have depression. 

People who have lost a loved one may think of suicide as a way to reunite with their loved one. People with depression express a desire to escape pain. They may feel they are not worthy of continued life. 

In all cases, suicidal thoughts should be taken seriously. If you believe someone intends to harm themselves, take action. Call 911 if the threat is immediate, and stay with them until help arrives.

If you are experiencing suicidal thoughts, reach out for immediate support through your local crisis services by dialing 988, contacting your local emergency services or visiting your local emergency room. 

Schedule a Consultation for the Grief Counseling Program at Promises

Grief and depression have a symbiotic relationship, but they are not the same thing. Most people recover from grief in time, but the symptoms of depression usually worsen if the condition is untreated. 

Sometimes, healing from grief requires the support of mental health professionals who understand what you are going through. You can find the compassion and treatment you need to recover by calling Promises at 844.875.5609 or using our convenient online contact form today.

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