Rob Weiss Talks Sex Addiction with Details Magazine

Robert Weiss, director of the Sexual Recovery Institute  in  Los Angeles and sexual disorders services at The Ranch Treatment Center in Tennessee talks to Details magazine about sex addiction. In The Details Sex Report, Weiss weighs in on the great debate about  whether sex addiction should be recognized as a disorder by the American Psychiatric Assn. “Recreational sex is fun. Intimate sex is fun. Sex addiction is not fun. That’s like saying if you like to drink, hey, you’d love alcoholism,” says Weiss, who has spent 20-plus years treating, writing about, and coming to understand individuals with self-reported addictive and compulsive sexual fantasies and behaviors. “I can assure you the time has come — in fact, is overdue — for the American Psychiatric Assn. to recognize this problem as a legitimate disorder.” “We’re getting closer to a diagnosis,” Weiss recently told the Huffington Post.  “The simple fact is we now have criteria that can be used to accurately identify and treat those with hypersexual disorder — provided the APA is willing to adopt the definition.”