woman looking out the window considers physical vs psychological dependence

The Difference Between Physical vs. Psychological Dependence

Did you know that differences exist between two types of dependence on drugs or alcohol? These two types are physical vs. psychological dependence. One leads to ill symptoms of withdrawal, while the other centers on cravings and other complex effects. What are these differences, and how do they affect the treatment you need for recovery?

In treatment, you need an array of therapies designed to suit your individual needs. Among other factors, physical vs. psychological dependence plays a role in your treatment plan. But through a medical detox center, rehab, and a range of evidence-based therapies, you can overcome physical and psychological dependence. Reach out to Promises Behavioral Health at 844.875.5609 today to learn more.

Understanding Physical vs. Psychological Dependence

Many of those who struggle with addiction don’t just have a physical dependence on drugs or alcohol. They also have psychological dependence, which is a complicated condition defined by cravings and changes in behavior, moods, and physical sensations. Both physical and psychological dependence can lead to addiction if left untreated.

The difference between physical and psychological dependence lies in how your dependence makes you feel. Physical addiction occurs with the most widely abused substances like heroin, meth, and alcohol. You know you suffer physical addiction when you experience negative physical side effects as part of your drug use or withdrawal.

Psychological addiction occurs when you do not suffer physical withdrawal from the substances you use, but you do suffer mental effects. Marijuana and cocaine are two of the most commonly used drugs causing psychological dependence.

The Causes of Physical and Psychological Dependence

The physical and psychological effects of the drugs or alcohol you use cause physical and psychological dependence, but why do some suffer physical addiction while others suffer psychological addiction? There is a wide range of factors that trigger physical and psychological dependence. These include:

  • Genetics – Your genetic makeup can play a role in physical and psychological addiction.
  • Environmental factors – Your environment and the people around you can influence physical and psychological dependence on drugs or alcohol.
  • Mental health disorders – Mental health disorders can also increase physical and psychological dependence.

If you or someone you love is struggling with physical or psychological dependence, don’t wait to get help. With the right treatment plan, you can manage physical and psychological dependence and work toward long-term recovery.

Treatment Difference Between Physical and Psychological Dependence

In treatment, the difference between physical and psychological dependence matters. In fact, treatment professionals map the course of your programs and therapies according to your type of addiction. They get to know your dependence and related factors for treatment before you start on your road to recovery.

With a physical addiction, you need medical drug detox. Medical detox helps you safely and comfortably get through the ill physical effects and negative mental symptoms of withdrawal. Withdrawal can lead to physical, mental, and emotional distress. But through medical detox, you can avoid any physical harm that may come with substance use. You’ll build a strong foundation for physical and psychological well-being.

Psychological dependence is equally as important to treat, but the treatment plan may look different than with physical addiction. With psychological dependence, you’ll need therapies such as:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy – Cognitive-behavioral therapy helps you understand the physical and psychological effects of your substance use. You’ll also learn how to manage cravings and practice healthier ways of thinking and behaving.
  • Family therapy – Family therapy is important for psychological addiction, as you need the support of your loved ones to make positive changes.
  • Trauma therapy – Trauma therapy works on physical and psychological levels. You’ll learn how to process and manage any pain or physical trauma that’s linked to your substance use.
  • Group therapy – Group therapy focuses on physical and psychological recovery. You’ll work with peers who understand what you’re going through and can provide emotional support.

No matter if you’re struggling with physical or psychological dependence, you need an array of therapies designed to suit your individual needs.

Putting Substance Abuse and Its Effects Behind You at Promises Behavioral Health

Lasting, sustainable recovery is possible. At Promises Behavioral Health, you’ll receive physical and psychological care in an environment of compassion and empathy. Plus, our treatment programs include evidence-based therapies that are designed to promote physical and psychological healing.

Our treatment centers around the country are ready to provide you with physical and psychological treatment. To learn more about physical vs. psychological dependence and how they affect your recovery, reach out to Promises Behavioral Health at 844.875.5609 today. Together, you and our staff can develop a plan for physical and psychological healing that works.

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