woman displaying signs of a panic attack

How to Be Ready for the Signs of a Panic Attack

Panic attacks can be a very frightening thing for many people. The sudden rush of anxiety can create physical symptoms that make people feel a bit like they’re dying. Recognizing the signs of a panic attack can go a long way in helping people avoid the situations that cause the attack and minimize their symptoms. A panic disorder treatment program can give men and women the coping skills they need to prevent future panic attacks from disrupting their lives.  

At Promises Behavioral Health, we support men and women from all walks of life who struggle with panic attacks and other anxiety disorders. Our certified therapists understand how anxiety can affect each person in unique ways. They get to know each client’s history to create a tailored treatment plan that directly addresses their anxiety symptoms. If you or a loved one is struggling with anxiety or other mental health disorders, call 844.875.5609 today or fill out our online form for more information about our panic disorder treatment program.

Recognizing Panic Attack Triggers

Panic attack triggers are unique for each person and can vary wildly. A trigger can be a smell, hearing a certain voice or tone, a person, or a social event. When a person experiences a panic attack, it can feel like they are losing control of everything and can do nothing to stop it. In fact, it may feel like they’re dying. Fortunately, a panic attack can’t kill you. However, it can lead to worsening symptoms, such as substance abuse and other phobias, if not properly treated.

Some of the common triggers of a panic attack include:

  • Stress
  • Social events
  • Relationships
  • Financial strain
  • Work/school deadlines
  • Pre-existing medical conditions
  • Certain medications

At Promises Behavioral Health, we understand that no two cases of anxiety are the same. We also understand that each person will have unique triggers that can cause a panic attack. Our panic disorder treatment can help you recognize your triggers and learn how to cope with your feelings in a healthy manner. 

How to Be Ready for the Signs of a Panic Attack

Anxiety is a mental health disorder that can cause physical and mental symptoms such as rapid heart rate, chest pain, rapid breathing, and intense fear or worry. Working with a trained professional with experience dealing with anxiety and panic disorders is the best way to learn how to cope with your anxiety.  

Here are a few tips for preparing for the signs of a panic attack:

  • Practice deep breathing – When you begin to feel anxious, simple deep breathing exercises can calm your racing heart and give you focus. Breathe in for the count of four, hold for one, then breathe out for the count of four. Repeat until you start to calm down.
  • The 3-3-3 rule – This trick can help clients focus on something else instead of their anxiety symptoms when an attack is approaching. First, name three things you see, then three things you smell, and then three parts of your body. Focusing on each item for a few seconds can disrupt your racing thoughts and prevent a full-on attack.
  • Use a personal mantra – A mantra can be a word or phrase that you repeat to focus on something positive. This can be anything from “This will pass…” or “I am in control of my emotions.”
  • Take a walk – If you begin to feel the signs of a panic attack, put on some comfortable shoes and take a brisk walk. The exercise will burn off any pent-up energy and help you focus. 

Promises Behavioral Health: Providing Effective Panic Disorder Treatment for Men and Women Struggling with Panic Attacks

At Promises Behavioral Health, we give men and women the knowledge and skills they need to reduce their anxiety symptoms and frequency of panic attacks. Through our mental health treatment programs, clients gain valuable coping skills to improve their lives. 

Call 844.875.5609 today to speak with one of our compassionate staff to gain the confidence and skills necessary to reduce panic attacks.

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