A group of women deploying tips for morning anxiety

5 Tips For Morning Anxiety

Morning anxiety is not an official clinical diagnosis, but for many people, it is a difficult reality to live with. Some people who have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder (and some who have not yet been diagnosed) experience intense stress almost immediately upon waking up. 

You shouldn’t have to start the day feeling stressed or worried about the tasks that lie ahead. An anxiety treatment program can address morning anxiety as well as other anxiety symptoms. If you or someone you know feels overwhelmed, our program provides support and tips for morning anxiety. Call Promises at 844.875.5609 and learn how to enjoy the morning again. 

Understanding Morning Anxiety

Morning anxiety is not a different form of anxiety so much as it is anxiety that peaks early in the day. Its symptoms include the following:

  • Mind-racing thoughts
  • Tightness or heaviness in the chest
  • Stomach pain
  • Headache
  • Fast heartbeat or heart palpitations
  • Feelings of doom or dread
  • Excessive worry
  • Task paralyzation
  • Muscle tension

In severe cases, morning anxiety can be so oppressive that it prevents an individual from even getting out of bed. 

How to Combat Morning Anxiety

The best list of tips for anxiety in the morning starts with scheduling a checkup. You may have an undiagnosed anxiety disorder. And if that’s the case, there are anxiety treatments that can help. Even if you are already receiving treatment for anxiety, speak to your healthcare provider if you feel as though your morning anxiety is getting worse or interfering with your daily life. 

Additional recommendations to alleviate your morning anxiety symptoms include the following:

Practice Good Sleep Hygiene

Among all possible morning anxiety tips, improving your sleep is perhaps the number-one recommendation. Try to go to bed at the same time each night. Turn off your electronics at least 30 minutes before then and sleep in a cool, dark room. 

Not only will better sleep quality increase your energy and help balance your mood naturally, but keeping a regular sleep schedule each night will help reduce your cortisol levels. Since these are responsible for feelings of high anxiety, an improved night’s sleep will thereby prevent your “fight or flight” response from kicking in so frequently.

Reduce Alcohol and Caffeine 

It’s likely you already know that consuming caffeine is a bad idea for those who suffer from anxiety. It, along with alcohol, both increase cortisol levels, which means drinking either while your levels are already elevated will only compound the problem. 

Avoid using alcohol as a sleep aid and stick to recommended guidelines for moderate alcohol intake overall. As for cutting back on caffeine, consider replacing your morning coffee with a healthful kombucha drink or herbal tea. 

Get More Exercise

Exercise has been proven to reduce levels of stress and anxiety. Explore new activities like dancing or joining a walking group. Engaging in activities you enjoy will help give you something fun to look forward to when you wake up.

Practice Positive Affirmations

Tips for morning anxiety can go beyond the physical, too. Keep a list of positive affirmations by your bedside to read first thing in the morning. They may say things such as:

  • I am calm and safe
  • I can meet all my responsibilities today
  • I can accomplish anything by taking one step at a time

Use positive language in your affirmations. For example, instead of saying, “I am not overwhelmed by feelings of dread,” try, “I am filled with positive energy.”


Simply taking five minutes each morning to meditate may help reduce feelings of worry and stress, and you don’t even have to get out of bed to do so. Clear your mind, focus on your breath, and allow any unwanted thoughts to drift by without focusing on them. 

Reduce Morning Anxiety With Anxiety Treatment at Promises

The morning anxiety tips above can be helpful, but they may not always be enough. Learning how to combat morning anxiety may require updating your current anxiety treatment. Nevertheless, you deserve to start each day feeling refreshed and hopeful. And with the right treatment and support, you can decrease and even prevent morning anxiety altogether. Call Promises at 844.875.5609 or use our online contact form to learn more tips for anxiety in the morning.

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